BAMC Polly Dress

Keeping our trend of great pieces to transition into fall with, today we present the Polly Dress by Bubby&Me Creations.  The Polly has adorable ruffles that extend past the shoulder - making it acceptable for most dress codes.  It is also roomy enough to layer a shirt underneath - try making a tunic length and pair with a long sleeve top and leggings.  You can also omit the ruffle to have a simpler dress that works perfectly with a jacket or cardigan.  For fall, think of using baby wale cord, or other bottom weights that provide a bit more warmth but still have drape.

Here is Janette to show off her creation and to tell you all about the pattern....


Hi everyone!  It's JaNette from Merri Poppins.  Evidently I have been on a serious purple kick lately and I didn't realize this until just now! This is Jennas new dress called The Polly Dress by Bubby and Me Creations.

I know it's a super busy print, but she loves this!  She said it's very comfy and she likes the ruffles on the sleeves.  I know my time sewing ruffles for her is probably coming to a close rather quickly, so I will take what I can get. 

  • Polly comes in sizes 1 through 10
  • Inches and CM
  • nested pattern
  • 15 pages to print
  • detailed instructions
  • simple button loop closure
  • bias binding
  • placket


I liked how the ruffles are sewn into the dress.  The ruffles extend a little past the bodice, setting this ruffle sleeve dress apart from the others I have sewn. You can easily leave the ruffles off if you wanted to, but I'm not sure why you would!  They are super ruffly!

The bias binding around the neck and sleeves give this dress a polished finish.  I made Jenna the size 8 according to the chart provided.  It's got plenty of room to wear a shirt underneath for the cooler months. Bonus!

She was so happy to have a longer dress, though.  I tend to shy away from those since I don't always have multiple yards of the same fabric on hand.  Luckily, I did this time!! So she happily skipped around and played.  I was worried she was getting too hot with it being so long (a storm was moving through and it was super muggy/sticky/humid/making the dress wrinkle kind of weather). Nope, she was HAPPY to wear it. 

It's not a big deal but there are a couple of spots in the tutorial where you have to convert from CM to INCHES, so just be on the lookout. If you go step by step, the construction of the dress is pretty straight forward.  

So all in all I have a happy 1st grader decked out in purple (remember the purple backpack) all ready to go back to school this week in a new dress!  Happy sewing ya'll!

Until next time....
