Fifty Dollar Fashion: Week 1
/Raise your hand if you have a closet full of ill-fitting clothes.
Me too!
For the last 40 months of my life, I've either been pregnant or nursing. Through that time, I've met my minimal wardrobe needs by reluctantly purchasing one cheap garment at a time. They were only temporary, after all. Destined for a wrinkled, spit-up-stained existence. My existence.
But DARN-IT-ALL, I'm better than that. And I reckon you are too.
2014 is my year of change. And February? My month of self-care sewing. Momma's getting herself a brand new wardrobe, and she's going to do it on a dime.
The Plan
To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time. - Leonard Bernstein
Step 1: Acquire obscene amounts of fabric. For next to no dollars.
Arm myself with every imaginable coupon and demolish my local JoAnn's Red Tag clearance event. Frame coupon.
She's a thing of beauty, is she not??
Step 2: Collect incredibly versatile patterns - as few as possible - to assemble a complete wardrobe.
Together, I get:
- 1 Pant
- 4 Skirts
- 2 Blouses
- 2 Layering tops
- 3 Dresses
Not a bad start, right??
Step 3: Get carried away with alliteration. Er.. Define my goal and assign a deadline.
Every Friday at 5! It'll be Festive.. and Fancy... and FREAKING FANTASTIC!
Step 4: Blog it out. ('guess this makes "sew them" Step 3.5?)
This may be a good time to tell you: I've never sewn women's apparel. (Well, maybe once or twice...) Which'll make it super interesting for you, 'cause you'll hear it all. My FEATS and FOLLIES. (too much? ...ok, I'll be done now.)
What's that?? You want to start now?? Alrighty... how about a few sneak peeks of the patterns - and their modifications - we'll be covering throughout the series!
Pussy Bow Blouse Preview
Chevron Modification of the Colette Laurel
Woven Skirt modification of the Jocole A-Line Maxi.
Special thanks to my friend Krystle Clark - Rep for Designer Jewelry by Sara Blaine - for the expert styling!
Becca DuVal is a lifestyle photographer based outside of Richmond, Virginia. She juggles life with two kids, two rescue dogs, and her super-fine husband. She's a hard-core DIY-er who loves sewing, crafting, and tackling home decor projects far outside her skill level.
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