Match With Me Blog Tour: Mothers and Sons

When I was asked to be a part of the Mother and SOn Match with me Tour over at Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy, I was over the moon.  I love sewing for my boys, I love sewing for me..... and I had the perfect pattern up my sleeve ;o)

For Asher and my outfits, I used the Aviator Pattern for Kids and for Women.  The versatility of the pattern is great and breeches the gap from kid to adult without any wierdness.  Plus I already had my pair made, and Asher needs WAY more pants.... no seriously, where are all his pants?!?!?!?!?

Asher's pants sport the contrasting triangle with no cuffs, while mine show off a matching triangle and contrasting cuffs.  The fabric for both of the pants is French Terry from Girl Charlee. 

My kids are in that stage where they are just starting to recognize that I sew for them, and they are starting to make requests - if anyone can give me suggestions for a 'Checkers' shirt that doesn't just look like a big racing flag, I'm all ears!!!  

For our tops, I just paired black from our closets, keeping mine more feminine and 'mom on the go' and his all boy with his graphic bear shirt.  For my next mother and son project I want to make both boys and myself coordinating raglan shirts - YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you've had fun seeing a glimpse into my Mother and Son world.... what would you sew as a Mother and Son outfit????  Make sure to catch all the other great stops on the tour at Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy!