Egg Hunt!
/Easter Egg Hunt
Well, it's almost Easter, and we can't let the kids have ALL the fun can we? No! How about an egg hunt with some awesome prizes from our amazing sponsors and affiliates?
Get your baskets, it's time to go collecting eggs!
This is what you're looking for!
All you have to do is visit each shop and find the egg hidden in a listing photo. Just click each sponsor logo below to go the the shop and start browsing. Once you find the egg, copy the photo URL into THIS FORM. Your response will be recorded, and when the contest closes Easter Sunday at Midnight EST, the folks who find the most eggs win! In the event that more than 4 people find all of the eggs, the ones with the 4 earliest time stamps on their form will take home a prize. If you don't find them all at once, no worries. Just leave the confirmation page open and click edit responses.