Challenge Create: Adult Edition Remix!
/THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We can not say THANK YOU big enough or loud enough. We want to thank our families and friends who have supported us the last month and helped us win this fun competition. While the prizes are amazing and we are super excited, we learned so much about ourselves, working as a team, and sewing during this process - and that is the best reward!
Today we're gonna mix it up and show you our outfits mix and match style. The key goal for both of us entering this competition was to create pieces that we will really wear, that compliment our wardrobes, and make us feel great. We will also be answering some of our readers questions; so stick around, pull up a chair, stay awhile - we're putting it all out there for you to see!
h*this is more the everyday me - barefoot and no makeup!
You asked, we answered!
What was it like to work as a team?
Suzanne: It was really great, but also a challenge. The amazing benefits were that we were each other's cheerleaders, sounding boards, and challengers to try one more thing or think outside our normal comfort zone. The hard part is that we don't live next door, or even in the same state. We had to come up with themes, color choices, and pattern choices all through online communication. Sometimes it all fell together, and sometimes not as well as we thought it would. It also meant that when we ran into problems, we couldn't scrap the whole thing and move to plan B without considering how it would affect our partner. I really learned the power of 'Yes...and'. It isn't just your vision - you are a team, once all the ideas are thrown out on the table, then it comes time to pare it down into reality.
Becca: What she said!! Except Suzanne is being far too kind. What she means to say is "Becca leaks ideas out of her brain every hour of every day, with zero filter, and needs constant refocus-ing." As is evident in our weekly collaboration process:
- Spend too much time on pinterest.
- Discuss pinterest inspiration and fabric interests/limitations.
- Spend too much time on Design Seed determining a color scheme. Give Suzanne 500 options. She picks the first one.
- Finalize plan for the week.
- Change my mind.
- Settle on original plan.
- Change my mind.
- Receive my "keep it simple" pep talk. Settle on original plan.
- Sew.
- Hit sewing snafu. Freak out.
- Receive my "make it work" pep talk.
- Make it work.
Suzanne was my rock, and totally balanced out my weekly plague of indecision. Without her I'd have been an epic mess.
How much did you spend on each outfit?
Suzanne: Not much... people know I am an upcycler and open armed receiver. People at my church often drop off things that were on their way to goodwill, or that they are clearing out of their own stashes. I started sewing as a way to save my family money - and I try to hold true to that! The only thing I bought for this competition was the stretch jean fabric for my Named Skinnies, and let me just say that is one of the best investments I have ever made. I spent about $21 on fabric and jean thread by using coupons. So that is the total I spent on the competition.
Becca: Do you want the answer I give my husband? or the real one? Either way, the answer is "too much". I made, and bought fabric for, THREE outfits for week 1. (So much for a head start, right?) Thankfully the weekly time restraint for my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th entries kept me limited in my purchases. Mostly it came down to small purchases that add up, like matching thread, zippers, and packets of dye.
What was your favorite outfit or piece?
Suzanne: ohhh that is hard.... my favorite piece is the jeans, and that may be my favorite overall outfit as well. But I also love my 'leather' jacket and the red shrug, those pieces are already becoming staples in my daily wear.
Becca: Bomber! No doubt! I've requested to be buried in it, I love it so much. But my purple Named Jamie Jeans and teal Jocole Skinny Pants are tied for second. I live in those.
Who took your photos?
Suzanne: My husband, there were days he was more willing than others, but I really couldn't have done it without him, and he put up will all my different poses and - 'ohhhhh Just one mores'! He is a trooper!!!!!
Becca: Ditto! And I gotta say, it's super annoying to know my hubs is better at the photo taking thing than I am! I taught him everything he knows ;)
What made you choose 'conversation style' for your posts?
Suzanne: That was Becca's brilliant idea - we had to do something so that we both had a voice and yet could keep our posts down to the allowed word count.
Becca: Though I'll add we had so much fun bantering I'm sure we surpassed our word limit every week. Good thing it's not a writing contest, right!?
Have you worn your outfits since?
Suzanne: YES!!!! I wear the jeans on a regular basis. The Cream and Green Tops from week one I just wore to church this week. The red shrug has been paired with a variety of other tops in my closet. And the 'leather' jacket has come out to play for date night and girl's night. I will be wearing everything through the summer - right time, right place!
Becca: Alllll the time! I wore the bomber (week 4), reverse side of the Virna crop top (week 3) and my Jocole Skinny Pants (week 1) out to the playground just last weekend. I got no comments on them, which I take to mean they can pass for the real deal! I haven't rocked the red skirt yet, but I've been dying to meet my hubs at the local art museum for happy hour. Seems the perfect occasion for such a statement piece, don't you think? If I can talk him into it tonight I'll update the post with pics :D
This was such an exceptionally fun opportunity, and I'm so glad I could share it with Suzanne and all of you! Thank you for your support and encouragement throughout! I hope this is the first of many #selfcaresewing adventures to come!
Did we miss any of your need-to-know questions? Leave them in the comments below!