Beautiful Campaign: Swimwear Day 5

Putting on a swimsuit to pose for pics for a blog, much less SEW the suit was not something I had on my list of things to do before I turn 40. A few months ago, though, Suzanne brought up this idea of the Beautiful Campaign and took volunteers to do just that. I had been hoarding the fabric for a splash park swim dress that I had wanted to make "when I got to my goal weight." And I'm not there, but I felt like I needed to prove something. LIke I was worth the fabric in that stash JUST THE WAY I AM.

Let me backtrack a little and tell you about the very first memory I have of having that soundtrack of negativity repeating in my head. Oddly enough, it has to do with a swimsuit. I was getting ready to visit the neighborhood pool with my family one summer. And I remember that on this occasion, I was wearing a really cool suit (in my 9 year old mind) that was red with yellow and blue ties that wrapped around to make a belt. We were going with family friends and the boy I had a crush on was going to be there. I was always an average kid when it came to build, but for some reason, I felt like I looked fat in this suit. This wasn't from anything anyone had said to me. It was just my conclusion. At the age of 9!!! So how much of an impact did that leave on me if I can remember it that vividly 30 years later?!

Fast forward many years and sizes and pounds later. I am on a journey. I have goals. I have plans. I want to do some of the things that I used to be able to do, like run 5Ks and keep up with my 3 kids. But sometimes I spend so much time obsessing over sizes on a tag and numbers on a scale that I miss out on appreciating the beauty that God has given me where I am RIGHT NOW as I move toward taking care of the body He has given me.

  • I love my curly hair. I have great hair even after it's been rained on. Just don't hold me to that on a steamy August day. And good luck finding grays. I think I have a total of 5. Not bad for turning 39 today!
  • I am a pretty good musician. I play the piano and love to sing in the car with my kids. I have a piece of paper that says I have a degree in it, but right now I'm having too much fun with kids. And fabric.
  • I have 3 beautiful children that call me mom and love to cuddle and lay on top of me and say "Chaise....chaise....CHAISE." Thank you, Haverty's!
  • I am creative. My mind is always swirling with my next pattern MashUP or fabric combination.
  • I'm pretty funny. I like a good comedy and I have a knack for being able to diffuse a situation with a joke.

But enough about me already! Let me tell you about this suit! I really wanted something to wear to a splash park or pad that wasn't a full swim suit, but that was something I could get wet and not feel icky in. Hello, cotton...I'm talking to you!  I decided the look I wanted would have to come from a mashup, since a swim dress like this did not exist in a pattern. I will say that I don't plan on this for actual swimming, because it's too billowy and I don't want it leaving me too exposed.

I used the boyshort and tankini pattern from the Mykonos Tankini Collection from Golden Rippy (affiliate link). This was available in the Women's Bundle up earlier this month and I saw so many great samples. I did want to change up the skirt, so I mashed it with the Mix and Match Radiant A-line from Jocole. I just used the largest size and cut between the tunic and knee length, then gathered the skirt to the bodice instead of the slimmer part of the tankini pattern. The aqua fabric is from Girl Charlee and the stripes are from Mel at Purpleseamstress Fabric.

Pretty sure my photographer was saying something inappropriate here. Husbands. *sigh*

You've now had a week of posts dedicated to us telling you why we're beautiful. Now it's your turn! What makes YOU beautiful?!