Sew Ready for Halloween: The Tin (Wo)man featuring patterns from Love Notions and Jocole
/Hey y’all! Every year, I insist on making my kids’ Halloween costume, and every year I ask myself why I don’t just go buy them. But you and I both know why - Mama Made is always better! When Miss 9 told me she wanted to be the Tin (Wo)man from the Wizard of Oz for Halloween this year, a vision immediately popped into my head, and I knew exactly how I wanted to execute it. Don’t you just love those moments?
By now, y’all have probably realized that my fabric stash is excessive abundant. I do try to use it as quickly as I replenish it. I had picked up a stretch metallic silver several months ago from WalMart for another project, and pulled it out just for this.
For the top, I used a tried and true favorite in our home, the girls peplum from Jocole. No lie, I make this pattern all the time, and it has doll sizes too!!! I made her an 8 with the fishtail peplum.
For the bottoms, I used the free Love Notions Leggins, also in size 8. I reinforced the knees with additional fabric and stitching to give the look for joints.
To finish the look, I searched high and low for a metal funnel. I finally found one at the local mom and pop hardware store. I marked on a basic headband where I wanted it to sit, and attached it with hot glue. Finally, the Tin (Wo)man isn’t complete without her trusty oil can and the heart granted by the Wizard.
This was such a fun, and easy costume to put together. Truly, the most time consuming part was finding the funnel. And the best part is she absolutely loves it! And that, my friends, is why I make their costumes. With luck, we’ll bump into Dorothy and her companions as we trick-or-treat later this month.

Use your Cricut Maker 3 to craft a personalized Halloween welcome sign.