The Monaco Shorts by New Horizons
/These Monaco shorts by New Horizons are super cute. It’s so great to be able to share Jackie, Nicole and Rachel’s versions so you can see a wide variety of options.
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These Monaco shorts by New Horizons are super cute. It’s so great to be able to share Jackie, Nicole and Rachel’s versions so you can see a wide variety of options.
Read MoreThe hottest trend this summer is everything Nautical. Fabric, patterns, trims accessories, anything nautical is so hot right now. It's not too late to get in on the nautical fun, so today I'm sharing some fun photos and patterns for inspiration, enjoy!
Pattern photos are clickable and take you to seller's shop :)
Merri Poppins
Lauren Walford
Snickerdoodle Stew
Nicole Scott
Astrid Novak
Evelyn Griffin
Jana Mays
Theresa Taylor
Rachel Hood
Tara Jolin
Aubrey DeLaCruz
Nichole Gifford
Jennifer Rowe
Melissa Garner
Nicole Jonstone
Tomi Gibson
Tomi Gibson
Tomi Gibson
Jen Groth
Cynthia Baldonado
Raedeen Averitt
Raedene Averitt
RaeAnna Gross
RaeAnna Gross
Alicia Sellers
Evelyn Griffin
Beth Tarabochia
Lauren Walford
Gena Brown
Crystal Taylor
I hope I didn't miss anyone one! You all sent in such gorgeous photos, thank you for sharing!
If you're looking for just the right accessories to go with your nautical outfits, check out Sweet Lemonade Beads.
Just one more thing...have you seen this super cute Free Sailor Collar and Beret from Ellie inspired? Click the photo below to go to the free patterns! Dress pattern sold separately here.
Happy Sewing!
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