November Aspiring Designers Final Giveaway

PLUS, get BONUS patterns from these great designers:
- MCM Studio Designs, The Gingersnap Dress and Tunic
- Striped Swallow Designs, Soho Maxi
- AimerLae & Finn, Heartthrob Henley
- Just Bananas Over Soft Toys, Finger Pocket Fish "Net All Three"
- Golden Rippy, Calrose Skirt
- Koda Baby, Koda Bustle
- Swoodson Says, Little Artist Palette
- Sew Get 2 the Point, Hannah's Give and Take Handbag
- Sew Pandi, Asymmetrical Skirt
- FABulous Home Sewn, Zippy Keepers
- Kelly J Designs, Sweet Pea Sleep Sack, Jacket, and Vest Pattern
- Serger Pepper Designs, 1 pattern of choice
- Muffin Head, the "Carol" pattern in the size of choice. 2-8 or 10-16
- Zuzzy Patterns, 1 pattern of choice
- GYCT Designs, 1 pattern of choice
- Mandy K Designs, 1 pattern of choice
- Dandelions n' Dungarees, 1 pattern of choice
- Rose & Lee Designs, Grace pattern
- Sofilantjes, 1 pattern of choice