Katie's Crop Top by Snuggle My Baby
/Hi! It’s Ellen from ellzabelle here today. I have a sweet and easy pattern that’s perfect for a casual day outfit.
Now that my daughter’s 8, I’m always thinking “Will she wear this?” I don’t have a lot of time to sew these days since I teach art to K-5, so I don’t want to waste any time on something she won’t wear. Katie’s Crop Top Sweater pattern was something I just knew my daughter would approve of! It’s a new pattern by Jen Gunn of Snuggle My Baby Patterns and is my first one of her patterns. It was very straightforward, well written and easy to follow. It uses knit fabric (which I don’t sew very much of) and I used my regular sewing machine with a ballpoint needle and stretch stitch (pattern gives a nice list of tips to sew with knits).
I used some tribal knit from my stash that I got over a year ago and some black knit from my stash for the neckband. I can really see this cute shirt being worn over her gymnastics leotard on the way to practice. Or if I used a little fancier knit, it would be precious over a dress!
I didn’t have any problems with the pattern. I made a size 7 for my petite 8 year old and the fit was great. There is a Body Measurement Chart included in the pattern and I found it to be accurate. We did find the neck to be a bit tight to go over her head so next time I will cut the front scoop a bit lower I think. But the neck looks fine on the photos in the pattern so it might have just been my fabric or something I did.
This was such a fast sew-I loved it! I think it will be a perfect layering option over a tank top for the summer-for the movies, or any air conditioned place that is FREEZING all summer, or for the cool summer nights. I’m looking forward to checking out more of Jen’s patterns like the Sock Hop Poodle Skirt….Halloween maybe?
Until next time! Ellen
Kari's Version