Little Lizard King Sew A Long Day 4

Yesterday's Accomplishments

We're almost finished!! Today we'll cover steps on pages 16-19, adding an optional waist sash.

The waist sash in this tutorial is added after the construction of the bodice. Take the three waist sash pieces. Place right sides together, and sew to create one long strip.
Fold the sash right sides together, and trim the ends of the sash in a diagonal slant. 
Sew to attach along the length of the strip and one diagonal. Clip the corners. Flip right side out, and iron to set. Finish the sash construction by turning under the raw edge of the diagonal and sew closed. If you are not sewing the sash to the dress, topstitch now.

Question: Do you have a fast turn? A fast turn is an AWESOME tool that makes flipping long tubes super easy and super fast. Fast Turns are up there with the seam ripper in terms of fabulous tools that are hard to live without.

Align the midpoint of the sash with the midpoint of the bodice. Starting at one side seam, sew the top edge of the sash to the bottom edge of the bodice, along the front of the bodice - start and stop sewing at the side seams. Backstitch to secure. Finish topstitching.

We'll add the finishing touches tomorrow (if you can wait!), and we'll draw some names/winners as well. So - get your fairy flutter on, and share some photos in our new Facebook group:

Now - go find a camera! We want to see your sweet flutter dresses.