Scrap Swap 2017: Fabric Wreath

What do you do with all of your scrap fabrics?!? When you really think about it scraps are really versatile. Sometimes I use them to make baby clothes, sometimes my kids use them to practice sewing but today I'm going to show you how to make a scrap wreath!

First gather your supplies, you need pinking rotary cutter, scraps and a wire wreath. For this project I decided to use all pink scraps so my wreath would match my sewing area.

Now let's get started

1.  Cut scraps into 5” x 3/4” strips


2.  Then tie the strips around the wires of the wreath. I prefer to make my wreaths full so I push the strips together and I tie them to each wire on the wreath.

That's it, you're finished!

Scrap Swap 2017: Scrap Fabric Headbands

Hey everyone!!  Now that we all have our back to school wardrobes, it’s time to add some accesories.  My daughter loves wearing headbands but they can really start adding up so I end up making a lot of them.  I got a nice pile of scrap fabrics sent to me and they were the perfect selection for headbands.  The first one is super quick and easy to make.

Rosette Headband:




  • Headband (you can buy them in lots on Etsy or just reuse your daughter’s old ones)

  • Scrap fabric

  • Buttons, beads, jewels, or other findings

  • Glue gun

  • Millinery leaves


Step 1:

Tear a stip of fabric about 2-3 inches wide and tie a knot in the end.

Step 2:

Fold the strip in half length wise and and start twisting and wrapping it around the knot to form the rosette, adding hot glue as you go.  You can add as many twists as you want for different looks.

Step 3:

When you get to the end, just tuck it under the bottom and glue it.  Turn it over and you have a nice rosette.

Step 4:

I Like adding Millinery leaves to all my rosettes.  You can find them on Etsy.  This is also the point where you can add a button or beads or some other little decoration.  My daughter picked wooden beads for hers.  

Step 5:

Cut a circle about the size of your rosette.

Step 6:

Glue your flower to the headband and then glue the circle to the back to make it nice and neat.  Voila!!  


Petal Flower Headband:



  • Scrap fabrics

  • Tapestry needle and thread

  • Headband

  • Glue gun

  • Button


Step 1:

Take your scrap fabrics and cut circles.  I like to fold in fourths so I have 4 circle the same size of each fabric.  Your circles don’t need to be perfect.  Imperfections make them even better!  I use anywhere from 3-6 different fabrics. Cut each fabric slightly smaller.

Step 2:


Take the largest circles and fold them in quarter.  Overlap the points and put in a few stitches so it resembles a circle.

Step 3:

Following the same steps, add layers of petals.  The more you add, the tougher it will be to push the needle through so you may need to use a thimble.

Step 4:

Add a button to the center with the glue gun

Step 5:

I used an old headband that my daughter broke, so before I glue the flower on, I wrap it in coordinating fabric first.

Step 6:  

Glue the flower to the headband and add a circle of fabric to the back to cover all the stitches.  And there you have a fun little headband to add to your daughter’s wardrobe!








Scrap Swap 2017: Vintage Inspired Spool Wreath

Scrap Swap 2017: Vintage Inspired Spool Wreath

Follow along with tutorial to make your own vintage inspired spool wreath.  Perfect use of those scraps you love and would make an amazing keepsake or gift.  

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Challenge Create: Adult Edition Remix!

Challenge Create: Adult Edition Remix!

We can not say THANK YOU big enough or loud enough.  We want to thank our families and friends who have supported us the last month and helped us win this fun competition.  While the prizes are amazing and we are super excited, we learned so much about ourselves, working as a team, and sewing during this process - and that is the best reward!

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Runway Deconstructed: #ChallengeCreate Destash Entry, Explained

Runway Deconstructed: #ChallengeCreate Destash Entry, Explained

That is right - it is the FINAL week of team Becca & Suzanne competing in the Skirt Fixation Challenge Create: Adult Edition.  We hope you have enjoyed following us in this competition - we sure have had fun sewing! (And now, I for one, am ready to not cut an adult sized pattern for quite a while!)

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Runway Deconstructed: #ChallengeCreate Vintage Entry, Explained

Runway Deconstructed: #ChallengeCreate Vintage Entry, Explained

Becca and I loved that this week was a 'hint' of vintage - we made ourselves the promise when we entered this competition that we would only make things that we would 100% wear in our daily lives.  That can be hard when you have a costumer and a vintage category - my brain starts churning over what is period appropriate and whether I should also create period undergarments to be consistent with the time, and on, and on, and ooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnn.  Thankfully there was that little word 'hint' to help Becca and I keep our promise to ourselves and make my brain relax enough to sew this look up with three kids underfoot.

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Runway Deconstructed: #ChallengeCreate Refashion Entry, Explained

Runway Deconstructed: #ChallengeCreate Refashion Entry, Explained

So here we are in week two: Refashioning.  For me this was a WOHOOOO theme, for Becca it was more of an OhNoooooo.  Most of what I make includes some form of upcycling or refashioning, I built my personal blog around the idea that I could sew my children's wardrobes and save my family some dough.  My personal stash of fabric is made of 90% clothing, sheets, and drapes that have been given to be in garbage bags from friends and family.  I use this stash to mine for not only fabric, but buttons, zippers, and other notions.  Now Becca on the other hand has only tired a few refashioning projects, and in an effort to clean out her house, got rid of 5 bags of old clothes right before we found out we would be competing in this competition... wah-wah-wah.

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Runway Deconstructed: #ChallengeCreate Nature Entry, Explained

Runway Deconstructed: #ChallengeCreate Nature Entry, Explained

Time to VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! VOTE HERE

*We are the first circle to click in the poll at the bottom of the post (Becca&Suzanne of Pattern Revolution)*

So we were only allowed 5 images and 600 words over at Skirt Fixation - and you can imagine how that was no where near enough for two blabbermouth photographers like Becca and I!!!  We wanted to show off and explain some of our choices in greater detail.

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